Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Internet password security

“Enter your password” – today the overwhelming majority of people encounter these words every day: we have accounts on banking, shopping, social nets, and many other types of web sites. Internet password security in these terms is the matter of the most serious concern.
Today’s computer and internet technologies are developing so rapidly, that there inevitably appear not only the pleasant things like comfort and mobility, but unfortunately more and more tools for internet swindle and hacking. To protect your accounts from break-ins, you need to follow certain internet password security rules.
In case when somebody is using some software or other methods to break your password, it won’t be a big trouble for him to deal with it, if you don’t follow the simple rules below:

• Do not use your personal info or words, easily associated with you.
• Do not ever use such words! Whether it is your dog’s name, or your grandmother’s birth date, for a hacker it’s an easy plunder.
• Do not using words that are in a dictionary.
• Nowadays there are software ways to try all dictionary words and find out your password.
• Do use special characters and letters of both upper and lower case.
• It’s much more secure than just letters and numbers.
• Do not make your password short.
• Take at least 8 symbols for a password.
• Do not use the same passwords for many accounts.
• And here is why: since one is broken – all the rest are broken too.
Other problem concerning internet password security is key loggers. A key logger is software or hardware that is tracking all the keys struck on the keyboard. You can never be sure that the keyboard you use in a public place doesn’t have a key logger. Some ways to avoid troublesome consequences of the encounter with a key logger are:

• Not using any keyboard except your own.
• Taking a laptop everywhere you go.

You can solve the both problems above and many other by using a security password manager. It is special software designed to make your password management easier and much more secure.

First of all, your internet password security level is never higher than with random passwords. And such software usually has tools for generating strong random passwords, without making you memorize them.
You can install a manager on a flash drive, and have it with you anywhere (much more convenient than carrying a laptop, isn’t it?). With such a program you won’t have to type your passwords – it will do it automatically. Here’s a way to defend against key loggers.
Internet password security suggests following the tips above, along with frequent changing of passwords. Whether you decide to manage your passwords yourself, or to rely on a password manager – do not forget to change passwords at least every two months.

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